Saturday, December 24, 2011

oh Christmas tree

we like old things with some character, thus the tinsel tree this year. Marcus has been wanting one of these for ages, and this year he found a great deal. It's missing a few tips, but is very pretty. And Sid and Marcus did a great job decorating it

Seth's sweetheart Yun Hi made these stars for us out of folded paper-even Hastings admires them!

Marcus' gift

Marcus asked for home made bread and mom (that's me) came through! I'm happy to say it's as good as my mom made when I was at home. And I love the way the house smells!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


The floors were finished before Halloween, it just took a bit to get all the molding back up and furniture where it's supposed to be. And last night I found the perfect rug for our bedroom. So here's the finished product...

You are welcome to come see it in person. We are ever so pleased with the results!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Halloween is my favorite holiday. I make homemade caramel apples for our friends and we have a house full of them. Here's a few of our favorite trick or treaters this year.

black cat
Princess Lucy
pirate parrot

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pre Halloween party

Off the guys go to the ward Halloween party. I woke up feeling nasty today, but went to work anyway. Now I'm home taking it easy while my boys party at the trunk or treat.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Did you ever wonder what your home would look like if you tackled a big flooring project? Wonder no more. Some rooms would be empty...

Some rooms would echo...

Some would be packed to the gills...

Some you would look at and think "how am I going to get my underwear out of the dresser?"

But then you begin your mantra "it will all be over soon" and you repeat this to yourself many, many times. In fact, every time you pass one of said rooms. It also helps to get out of the house as often as possible. I'm spending tomorrow at work!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The Sullivan clan is not afraid of a little hard work. We are DIYers! Before I reveal what we're up to now, how about a look back at what we've been crazy enough to do ourselves...

We started with a nice home, and a lovely back yard.

Then we wanted to build a pool room. While Sid was serving as bishop.

Oooh, a pantry would be nice too, please!

Sid decided he should have a shed to put more stuff in (the garage was getting full)

Angela wanted to add some cupboards, may as well put in a new silestone countertop.

While we're at it,let's do the floor too.

Wouldn't a slate floor look great in the bathroom?!

We're slowly getting rid of all the carpet because Angela has such bad allergies. Here we are putting bamboo in the office.

At this point we lost our slave labor (Seth & Marcus) so Angela pulled the carpet off herself. We did hire someone to install the laminate.

Putting bamboo in the bedroom, right before Marcus came home from his mission. Needless to say he won't sleep in there.

It sure would be nice if the counter matched the floor...we hired someone for this too.

And last night the carpet came out of the pool room as we prepare for real wood floors throughout the house. As you can see, one half of our slave labor is back (Marcus). He's indebted to us for his car, thus his willingness to work. We hired someone to do the install, but we have to do all the demo. It will be done before Halloween, so come see!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Yes indeed, I did a race! This is my 3rd race as an adult. I did the 5k walk with 2 of my girlfriends. Sid met me at the finish. He didn't see me walking super fast (I finished in 50 minutes) and I looked really cute. Race on!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Marcus Having Fun @ St. Lukes

Marcus had to go to the ER at 5:15 this morning and have an abscess behind his tonsils drained. Sid hung out with us until 7:00, then went to work. The fun started with numbing spray, numerous needle pokes, an incision with a scalpel, and the crowning glory, the breaking of the abscess. Marcus said this was the worst pain he's ever experienced, and he broke his femur! We were home by 9:30 and I'm happy to say he's feeling better.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Donation II

We have visitors this weekend and I got a chance to do another donation haircut. Can you guess who this is?

Let me give you some hints...she's a newlywed, she's a college student, she has long legs...
Have you guessed yet? Ok, maybe this will help.

Don't hate her because she's beautiful!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Made my way into the oval office today!!

Not really.  Just a replication of what it looked like when LBJ was president.  Pretty cool though.

Monday, April 11, 2011

donation time

After 2 long years of service, Marcus is home...and I can finally cut my hair. Yes, I grew it while he was gone. He was curious as to how much it would grow, and I had nothing better to do. So here are the before and afters, tell me what you think! Oh, almost 13 inches was cut off.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stanley Drag Race

Who says you have to have a car to drag race? We figured out how to do it on the cheap. First, borrow a silk kimono and cashmere gloves from Angela. Second, borrow a wig from Jeff. Third, drive to Stanley, Idaho for the Winter Festival. Fourth, rent the smallest pair of snowshoes you can find from Jerry's Country Store for $5. Fifth, toe the line and run like heck down Ace of Diamonds Street. Sixth, raise your hands at the finish in victory!!