Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Marcus Having Fun @ St. Lukes

Marcus had to go to the ER at 5:15 this morning and have an abscess behind his tonsils drained. Sid hung out with us until 7:00, then went to work. The fun started with numbing spray, numerous needle pokes, an incision with a scalpel, and the crowning glory, the breaking of the abscess. Marcus said this was the worst pain he's ever experienced, and he broke his femur! We were home by 9:30 and I'm happy to say he's feeling better.


  1. come on now marc, you don't need to be gettin gross absesses when your lookin for a girl to make out with. that's just gross! Hope things get better!!!

  2. What do mean..that is how he got the absess by making out with those Boise chicks! Tonsil tickling!
